Ode to Tranquillity

We gathered here, and raised our hands

To beg and ask, dear Almighty
To all who praised the Creator
We humbly ask Him for His Grace

Let us sing wholeheartedly
Let us write the song for Thou art
Let us play all the instruments
Only to please You, O Lord

Let us voice the good and the bright
Let us make melodious parts
Let us arrange the melody
Only to please You, O Lord

Let us form a great symphony
Let us join, be in harmony
Let us be away from envy

Only to please You, O Lord
Let us proclaim adoration
Let us be Your hand’s extension
Let us be guided by the Holy spirit..
Only to please You, O Lord..
We gathered here, and raised our hands
To beg and ask, dear Almighty
To all who praised the Creator
We humbly ask Him for His Grace
This is..

Bandung, 18 Februari 2020
Catatan: merupakan lirik lagu yang akan digubah oleh Nicholas Rio, perdana untuk St Angela Choir Bandung tahun 2020

About francessa

penglihat alam dan manusia serta pengagum pagi menawan. kicau kecilnya dapat kau baca di @francessa__ #KicauKecilTantina. menukar sapa pada studiokausa@gmail.com
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